Wednesday 16 June 2010

GCX77Z: Declan's walk

Found on 2010-06-16
Placed by: CatMax
Size: Regular (Difficulty: 2 / Terrain: 1.5)
Location: , Ireland GCX77Z

We came off the red-eye ferry at 5am this morning and decided to take a diversion to this medieval village and beach.

It had been a bit of a hectic morning. I was having trouble with pocket queries and so only ended up with a few loaded for Cork and none for the road. Since we decided to stay in B&Bs rather than camping, we didn't think to bring any extra batteries or chargers and now found ourselves running low on power when Mrs D used her Android phone GPSr to try and locate some nearby caches, but we did manage to snag coords for this one. Don't get me started on data roaming charges... all these iPhone and Android users abusing the system!

The weather was perfect today and despite according to my wife I stunk to high heaven (no shower, no change of clothes) we set off on the footpath and were treated to some truly beautiful sights - particularly the shipwreck and the watchtowers - we explored one of the watchtowers, but not the shipwreck - I just couldn't convince Mrs Fitz to go with me.

Took some photos and will try to upload these later. Hide was obvious when found, but it took a while for GPSr to settle and a bit of bushwhacking - many thorn scratches later.

Took the geokretty bug and left PC Timmy TB + Cache a Day GC!


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