Monday 31 May 2010

GC111ZF: Rubicon - The Crossing

Found on 2010-05-31
Placed by: JollyJax and Ashaaria
Size: Small (Difficulty: 2 / Terrain: 3)
Location: West Midlands, United Kingdom GC111ZF

This was quite a hike from "Who has the Gaul..." to be fair though I think we made it more hard work than it needed to be. We headed North up the road and got to a nice country house and found the public footbridge which took us into a horses field. As soon as the horses saw us on the bridge they galloped over - all four of them to greet us.

Well Mrs Fitz freaked out a little due to a childhood incident/injury with a horse and these guys (or should I say girls) would just not let us move forward off the bridge. Eventually they backed out a little and I was able to squeeze by and as I made my way into the field I picked up 2 very, very close admirers (or should we say stalkers - can horses be stalkers?). So close, they insisted on following me the whole length of the field and nuzzling my backpack, then walking in front and cutting me off twice. It was a little unnerving if I am to be honest - was I going to have to promise to marry one of them before they let me go?

In the meantime, Mrs Fitz made her way stealthily behind and past the little equinous love-in that was taking place in the middle of the field.

Well they may have been a tad over familiar, particularly on the first date but they did let me leave the field without having to file sexual harassment charges so it wasn't all that bad. We then made our way on through the next field and now the GPSr was once again failing for me but working perfectly well in my wife's hands. We ended up going into the corner then realising we needed to double back and cross over the style into the other footpath.

Once on the bridge, the cache(s) were soon found. Yes there are two caches here, how did this happen? One was quite dusty and covered by spider webs and both were a little damp. However an excellent hiding spot!

We headed back a different route which took us all around the back of the church and in a complete circle - nice hike overall. TFTC!

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